Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership is an important aspect of life at WJS, and makes up part of the Palladian Promise.

Each year, we elect children to represent a whole body of leadership opportunities, including: School Council, Play Leaders, Worship Ambassadors, Equality Team, Librarians and School Captains.

All these groups work hard to deliver on areas of whole school development and improvement.

We are fortunate to have pupils who make excellent ambassadors for our school.

School Council

The School Council is a body of elected pupils who meet regularly to discuss current school issues, canvas fellow pupils’ ideas, and give input to school and feedback decisions to their class. Elections are held annually to choose two Councillors to represent each class.

Some of the activities our School Council have taken part in during 2018/19 have included:

  • Interviewing candidates for teaching posts
  • Conducting school tours for Governor and prospective parents’ Open Days
  • Leading an introductory tour for PGCE students joining the school for work placement

School Houses

On arrival at WJS, each pupil is assigned a School Team. Our teams are Roman Gods and Goddesses:

Picture1 Apollo

Picture2 Minerva

Picture3 Fortuna

Picture4 Concordia

Picture5 Neptune

Picture6 Vulcan 

Siblings are in the same team. There are several opportunities throughout the year when school teams get together for competitive and non-competitive events, and our termly Widcombe Championship Days and annual Sports Day at The Rec.

Year 6 pupils put themselves forward for the role of School Captain, by preparing and presenting a speech to the Senior Leadership Team and also their teammates. It’s a joint decision who is awarded this prestigious role.

Play Leaders

Play Leaders take on this role on a termly basis. They help make play and lunchtimes a happy and smooth run time of the day. Play Leaders engage children in different games and take the lead role in ensuring the playground is packed away quickly and safely following a fun OPAL session. They also lead Collective Worship once a term to update the school community on all things related to play and lunchtime provision.

Equality Team

Similar to School Council they are elected by their class at the beginning of the school year. They work with Mrs Seabeck, our Inclusion Manager, on ensuring WJS is an inclusive school for everyone. This year they’ve worked on the anti-bullying policy, equality scheme policy and produced posters about bullying and e-safety which are displayed in the bathrooms around school.


Our librarians work and support Mrs Maughan. They are great ambassadors for supporting children with possible ‘hook’ texts, organising book hire from the library and come up with fun and engaging competitions throughout the year – which all have a particular book theme. The librarians also help decide which trips we want to take part in at the Bath Literature Festival.

Worship Ambassadors

The main jobs for our Worship Ambassadors is to help embed the Christian Distinctiveness of our school. This includes leading Collective Worship each term, preparing artwork throughout the school to celebrate our role as a church school, ensuring the Reflection Room is well-organised and selecting work to share with the church community each term.

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